The Blue Nymph Crouches at Quarter to Three


  • #1

The Blue Nymph Crouches At....

So I had seen a few people posting about the statue at lookout point and I figured while I wasnt doing much this evening I would check it out and see what items are available in which areas. For those who didnt witness the conversation I did all that was really mentioned was that special items and a new area unlocks when the statue aims at a certain direction.

No less when it points to Bowerstone South the Tavern Cellar will open and you will be able to acquire yourself a leather chest piece. When it points at Greatwood, take the first left turn in the GW area and there will be a new chest there, open it to get a piercing augmentation.

Oh and just as an utterly random fact here- if you have one evil bar on your alignment and you donate 1 024 872 gold to the Temple of Avo they give you 237 good points....



  • #3

Re: The Blue Nymph Crouches At....

1Ak said:

if u donate 1,024,872 gold u only get 237 good points!?!?!

Yup, thats exactly how much gold I had in my inventory and I was at one bar evil on the alignment scale and I gave all the money to Avo just to see what it would do. Needless to say I reloaded the game and kept my money....


  • #12

Re: The Blue Nymph Crouches At....

has anyone tried killing it???

(As long as this isn't a fat load of bull****)


  • #13

Re: The Blue Nymph Crouches At....

Why is everything a big conspiracy round here that unlocks unrivalled new secrets, there are about four areas where blue nymphs are floating around the game, their not rare. Their not special, hell they run around Darkwood all the time, or I should say float.

The reason why this was posted was because I had previously seen somebody posting something about the trader and wanted to know if it was possible to get into the Bowerstone Tavern Celler, which many thought impossible. The trader had said;
"The blue nymph crouches at 3 past midnight"
This is a reference on how to get into the Bowerstone celler and get the extra items from Greatwood- read the first post.

When the trader says this I believe he is referring to the statue at Lookout Point, just outside Bowerstone, when you go to that statue at the correct time and click it the statue description will read,
"The statue is pointing at Bowerstone."
If you run to Bowerstone when the statue points at it the celler is unlocked and you enter it. Incidentally the statue also points to Greatwood which unlocks a new item in there as well.


  • #15

Re: The Blue Nymph Crouches At....

Druid;20434 said:

i found this ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Very awesome dude, I seriously have to try this out or something, I always thought the blue nymph thing was in relation to the statue at lookout point...

Dark Drakan

  • #16

Re: The Blue Nymph Crouches At....

All we need is someone to try this and get it to work now :shifty:


  • #17

Re: The Blue Nymph Crouches At....

Druid;20434 said:

i found this ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Dark Drakan;20572 said:

All we need is someone to try this and get it to work now :shifty:

o_O Uh... creppy.... I would hazard a guess and say this probably doesnt work...

Dark Drakan

  • #18

Re: The Blue Nymph Crouches At....

weirdkidinabox;20574 said:

o_O Uh... creppy.... I would hazard a guess and say this probably doesnt work...

Thats what i was thinking really...


  • #19

Re: The Blue Nymph Crouches At....

Dark Drakan;20575 said:

Thats what i was thinking really...

What possess people to come up with stuff like that, it makes me sad in my head :'(

Dark Drakan

  • #20

Re: The Blue Nymph Crouches At....

weirdkidinabox;20576 said:

What possess people to come up with stuff like that, it makes me sad in my head :'(

No idea, guess they like making people waste countless hours trying them out!


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