What Kind of Birds Lay Light Blue Eggs

When we think of bird eggs, most of thinking these of white or brown color (maybe coz you also start thinking of omelet and sunny side-ups).

But the beautiful world of birds also has some bird species that lay blue eggs. And if you get a chance to see one, I am sure you'll be as amazed as I was when I saw one.

Bright, blue eggs are always a pleasant sight to behold in the spring. Their beautiful color might have you asking, "what birds lay blue eggs?"

Several birds lay blue eggs, including blue jays, dunnocks, goldfinches, starlings, and more.

Here's a list of birds that lay blue eggs:

Blue Jays

Blue jays usually start mating in May.

Blue Jays

The female blue jay has to pick a mate from about seven or more males during the season. If the female flies away, all or most of the males will follow until the female chooses a male from the group.

Blue jays build their nests in the outside branches of trees about 10 to 25 feet off the ground.

Both males and females construct the nest. While the male does most of the gathering for supplies, the female does most of the building.

Also read: Bluebird vs Blue Jay — What's the Difference?

Eggs of Blue Jays

Eggs from a blue jay are usually a beautiful green-blue color with dark spots. It can take anywhere from 16 to 18 days for the brood for 3-7 eggs to hatch via incubation.

Blue Jays Eggs Blue

The female is the only one who incubates the eggs. The male retrieves food for her during the incubation period.

Once the eggs hatch, the female spends the first eight to twelve days brooding. During this time, the male will provide food for the female and the hatchlings. The female will take part in food gatherings, but the male usually provides most of the food.

Blue-Footed Booby

A blue-footed booby is a seabird that is less than three feet tall and has a five ft. wingspan.

Their name comes from their large webbed blue feet, which the males use to attract their mate. The brighter their feet are, the more chance they have of obtaining a partner.

Blue-Footed Booby

The mating ritual is unique and can be complex. The male usually starts by raising each blue foot in the air while strutting in front of the female.

Both male and female will stretch out their necks and point their bills to the sky. The female may cover her head with her wing while the male spreads his wings and whistles.

Eggs of Blue Footed Booby

Females lay two to three pale blue or green eggs in a nest usually on the ground. Both parents will help incubate the eggs for 45 days using their feet.

Once the eggs begin to hatch, the baby's parents will move the egg to the tops of their feet.

Blue footed booby eggs

The male will search for food and fly it back to the nest for the female and babies. The chicks usually eat regurgitated fish from their parent's bills. They will stay with their parents for approximately two months.

American Robin Bird

The American robin is one of the more well-known birds on this list. It is the state bird of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Connecticut and was once on the Canadian $2 bill.

American Robin Bird

The female American robin is in charge of making a nest built from twigs, mud, and dry grass. They will often accessorize with pieces of ribbon, moss, or string.

Eggs of American Robin Bird

These bright blue eggs are one of the earliest signs of spring.

American Robin Bird Eggs

They are a pretty sight, and their predators think so too. A large part of the eggs may not hatch due to the many predators they face, such as squirrels, snakes, and crows.


The goldfinch is the state bird of New Jersey, Iowa, and Washington. Goldfinches love bird feeders where they eat sunflower and nyjer (thistle) seeds.


Spring male finches are a bright yellow color with a white and shiny black color. Winter birds and females are duller in color and have a cone-shaped bill and a notched tail.

Eggs of Goldfinch

Female goldfinches will lay about 4-6 green-blue eggs or blue-white eggs.

Goldfinch next and eggs

They usually have one brood a year, with the chicks hatching approximately two weeks after the incubation period. They leave the nest a week after hatching to live on their own.


Starlings nest in cavities. This can include man-made spaces such as a stove, dryer, and exhaust fan as a place to lay their eggs.

Starling bird

They nest in colonies and eat together in large flocks containing as many as one million birds.

Originally a non-native species, starlings have now become an invasive species. They are not protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, unlike most native birds.

Starlings are aggressive birds and may chase out other native birds by attacking them, their eggs, or their young.

Eggs of Starlings

Starlings eggs are pale blue with no markings and 30x21mm in size. The eggs are usually smooth and glossy and can be whole and unhatched due to fertility.

Starling bird eggs

About 4-6 eggs will be laid in April. Most chicks hatch twelve days later and fly the nest after three weeks. Most of the starling chicks that do hatch make it to adulthood.

Red-Winged Blackbirds

These red-winged blackbirds breed in wet and swampy areas. One male usually has many mates and nests in marsh brush such as cattails or bulrushes.

Red-Winged Blackbirds

Their nests are usually made from reeds, leaves, and grass. Red-winged blackbirds are territorial and will defend their nests from dogs, humans, etc.

Eggs of Red-winged Blackbird

Red-winged blackbirds usually lay 3-4 pale bluish-green eggs with black, brown, or purple marks.

Red-Winged Blackbirds eggs

The incubation process is done exclusively by the female for 10-12 days. The chicks usually leave the nest approximately 11-14 days after hatching.


Dunnocks are small brown and grey birds that are usually quiet and non-bothersome.


They are typically seen hovering around bushes and flower beds. These birds are all over Europe but are also in Lebanon, Turkey, and northern Iran.

Eggs of Dunnocks

A female dunnock typically lays eggs between April and July. She may have three to five blue eggs and may lay eggs up to three times a year.

Dunnocks eggs

The egg process is unique in that the dunnock may unknowingly hatch a cuckoo bird. If a female dunnock leaves her nest, there is a chance that a cuckoo bird may sneak one of her eggs into the dunnock nest.

Even though the eggs differ in color (dunnocks lay blue eggs while a cuckoo lays gray eggs), the dunnocks do not notice the switch. Some believe that dunnocks do not notice as they may focus more on the number of eggs in the nest instead of color or size.

Snowy Egrets

This threatened bird lives along marshes, lakes, ponds, and dry fields. The snowy egret has a black bill and yellow feet. The upper bill is yellow but turns red during mating season.

Snowy Egrets

The male will create the nest during mating to attract a mate. Once a female is in the picture, she takes over the nest building. She will help build the nest with materials provided by the male, such as twigs and small sticks, grasses, and Spanish moss.

Eggs of Snowy Egrets

Snowy egrets lay about 3 to 4 greenish-blue eggs, typically in trees or shrubs.

Snowy Egrets eggs

Both adults incubate the eggs, with the young leaving the nest within 20-25 days. After 20-25 days, the chicks may climb out but may not fly until at least 30 days.

Great Tinamou

This game bird is fairly large and has a barely existent tail.

Great Tinamou

Seeing a great tinamou is a rare sighting as it was a source of food and was wiped out from many areas. It sings a beautiful song in the morning and evening.

Eggs of Great Tinamou

These eggs are a beautiful aquamarine color and are pretty large. The mating season lasts from mid-winter to mid-summer, with the female laying as many as four eggs.

The male incubates the eggs after three weeks and continues until they hatch. After the eggs hatch, the male flies off to seek another female. The original female will also continue to produce multiple clutches with multiple mates.

Blue Finch

Male blue finches have a bright pink-red breast and cheeks with blue feathers and a yellow bill.

Blue Finch

Females are dull in color with brown plumage and have a yellow bill. They live in rocky savanna climates.

Eggs of Blue Finch

Blue finches will lay about 4-5 eggs between April and May.

Blue Finch eggs

The blue finch's nest is elegant and made from twigs, roots, and moss. The color of the eggs are light green-blue and have purple markings.


Scientists are testing the theory that the color blue will shield the inside of the egg from the power of the sun. Protecting the interior of the egg allegedly prevents the yolk from heating up in the sun.

It is also important to know that it is illegal to disturb the nests or eggs of most species. However, there are a few exceptions to this, such as the starling bird.

Going too close to a bird's nest can disrupt the dynamic of the nest. It can cause the parent birds to abandon their nests, leaving behind any eggs or young birds.

If a human is visiting a nest, it can also endanger the nest and birds. Humans can leave behind a scent trail for predators to follow.

Instead, observe from afar and take a cool video or some photos.

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Source: https://birdsphere.com/what-birds-lay-blue-eggs/

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